Donations from our supporters - contributed by family, friends, neighbors, teachers, foundations, and organizations, in amounts of all sizes - have enabled us to create curriculum, train Facilitators, establish a strong organizational foundation, and deliver free programs to an ever-growing number of kids
We are forever grateful to members of our Founders Circle. This group played an essential role in our history providing significant seed funds of $500+ to support our first year of operation. Their early support of Equity Kids allowed us to smoothly launch our programming and begin showing our work’s impact on inspiring youth to become the next generations of change-makers.
Avatrine Financial
Capital District of the United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church
Lisle International
Shield-Ayres Foundation
Walmart Giving
The Winkler Family Foundation
Beth Ansheles
Cathy Ansheles and Bill Stanton
Joani Ansheles
Robbie and Tom Ausley
Bob and Margy Ayres
Levi Bagwell
Inelle Bagwell
Sarah Bagwell
Vera Ayres Bowen
Lynn Carter
Jill Checkoway
Camille Clark
Pat Clark
Jan and Greg Cranston
Orleana Edwards
Betsy Fairbanks and Philip McManus
Leah and Lawrence Friedman
Michelle Giger
John and Mary Gill
Jennifer and Craig Hopper
Jane and Jeff Howard
Joan and Paul Hudson
Heather Kuhlken
Emily Ledesma
Sarah and John Lundell
Johanna McCarthy
Kasia McRoberts
Eva and Paul Milgrom
Alan Moore
Andrea and Robert Munzer
Bruce and Sherrie Raven
Joanne Reich and Sally Cornell
Mike Robe and Lynette Berg Robe
Mimi Roberts and Jim Liljenwall
Melanie Ryan and Brad Dilli
Donna and Jerry Silverberg
Aishah Simmons and Sheila Reed
Buddy and Maggie Steele
Molly Stevens
Jennifer Vickers and Lee Walker
Anna Marie Wermer
Dee Dee and Gregg Wilson
J Wilson
Velrick Wilson
Linda and Will Wofford
Sara Wofford and Andrew Budnick
Alec Wysoker